Mac Software Update From 10.6.8 To 10.7

Mac Software Update From 10.6.8 To 10.7
Unbelievable. This is what this really means (from Apple)..Well, we screwed up big time with the 10.7.5 update, and we have known about this for a few weeks. However we didn't have the integrity to admit it even though there were tons of discussions about this all over the web and on our own discussion boards. (However if you called us and got a level-2 tech on the phone, they would admit to you off-the-record that Apple was aware of this problem).So instead of being forthright about this and saying 'we really screwed up here', and calling 10.7.5 dead in the water, and releasing a point update to 10.7.6 (which is the RIGHT way to handle SW CM), instead we are copping out and releasing ... uh ... something we are sort of calling '' or whatever.SW QA at Apple is getting worse and worse. I wish that who ever runs Mac OS software development would say 'Hey, instead of taking the time to implement like 200 new 'features' into another major release, we just took six months and actually worked to fix a bunch of bugs!I don't need FaceBook integrated with my OS, nor do I need new 'features' that make my Mac act like a phone! I need an OS update that doesn't break my system and make me waste about 18 hours time over the past 2 weeks ( >3 of those hours working on the phone with Apple ).Can you tell I'm pi$$ed? LOL

Earlier today Apple seeded a new test builds of OS X 10.7.2 and iCloud for OS X developers, continuing to quickly move forward with testing of iCloud. As with the previous interval, the updates come exactly one week after the previous seeds. We’ve yet to hear about any specific changes in the latest seeds, but Apple has been asking developer to target AirPort, AppKit, GraphicsDrivers, iCal, iChat, Mac App Store, Mail, Spotlight, and Time Machine with the last several builds of OS X 10.7.2.

Mac Software Update From 10.6.8 To 10.7 Windows 10

Apple has announced that it will be launching iOS 5 and iCloud this fall, and the company has been rumored to be launching new iPhone hardware in early-to-mid October, with iOS 5 and iCloud should be going live right around that same time. Apple earlier this week began developer testing on iTunes Match, a paid service that stores all of a user’s music in the cloud for access from any Internet-connected iOS device or computer.

Mac Software Update From 10.6.8 To 10.7 Update

Mac Software Update From 10.6.8 To 10.7

And then after OS 10.11 is installed will make OS 10.12 available if your Mac is supported. Once OS 10.12 is installed, you may have to do “Software Update” (under the “Apple Menu”) to bring up to the latest revision (as of March 27 it is OS 10.12.4). Yesterday we reported that Apple had released the Mac OS X 10.6.8 build, today Apple seeded the Lion Developer Preview 3 to all developers. Though the update shows up in Lion’s Software Update as “Lion Developer Preview Update” it is not a fourth update of Lion Developer Preview 2, but is a.